Tuesday, October 6, 2009

can't believe i'm going to post this...

so i guess snuggies for dogs are all the rage these days.
and of course when you are the dirty boston, you can't be the only one without one!

the other day at wal-mart jordan and i came across this and just couldn't resist buying it.
we brought it home and tried it on {and embarrassed} poor trixie to death!

but trying the snuggie on wasn't our only step in embarrassing her,
oh no-we posed her with a good book to show just how cool the snuggie could be.

and i have to admit, it does keep your paws free for various activities...
too bad it was a little tight {sorry trixie} we had to return it to the store....

no worries, trix- we'll keep out eyes out for a bigger one!
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Sweet Blessings said...

Ummm...I'm thinking your dog is one of those that belongs in the "Why dogs bite" email..ha, ha! How cute & fun...lucky Trixie! Have a GREAT Wednesday! Sweet blessings!

Lindsay said...

That last picture just cracks me up!!