Tuesday, February 10, 2009

birthday brunch with the ladies

today i was invited over to my wonderful, intelligent, exceptional, sweet, loving, caring and devoted friend shelia's house for a birthday bunch just for me. it was so nice to be around shelia, her daughters beth and mary and her mom, carol. all of these wonderful women have such love and compassion for each other and all those around them, you can't help but to want to spend time with them. i am very fortunate to have such special people in my life. i am always welcome in any of their homes and made to feel as though i am apart of their family. we had a wonderful meal and the company was the icing on the cake. i received some very special gifts and it meant the world to me that they were able to take time out of their busy lives to spend sometime with me. so thank you ladies for a great afternoon.


Sweet Blessings said...

My heart is smiling for you! They truly are blessed to have you in their hearts too....Hope the lunch had lots of sinful goodies too : D Sweet blessings!

Sheila said...

The feeling is mutual... you are a light in my life.

Our Family Farm said...

Hi Shara- I am the queen of snooping, so since this is the first time I have seen your blog, I will just come right out and tell you that I will be snooping on it. (This is Teri, from BLPS, by the way. Important bit of info, huh?) Lots of fun to read your posts! And Happy Birthday! Hope Jess bounces right back, and that sickness season ends soon. I also have one on antibiotics right now (Ruth). Hopefully the rest of our families will stay well! Have a fantastic Valentine's Day! Teri :)

Lindsay said...

Happy Happy Birthday (a bit late) ... hope your weekend was full of LOVE & Great things :)