Wednesday, April 8, 2009

proud parents

so i know this is probably a little weird that i would take pictures of and post my kids' report cards, but the thing is we are SO proud of both girls that i wanted to share their accomplishments with you. it amazes me that these grades belong to kids that i helped raise. they are both smart, funny, beautiful, amazing, responsible and great girls. they are both leaders and good role models to those around them and it makes me proud to know that even on those days when i am questioning my parenting and wonder what planet these kids of mine come from, that at the end of the day we ARE doing a good job. you never realize how hard it is to be a parent until you are one- anyone can have a kid, but it takes love, discipline, direction, education and guidance to be a good parent. {guess i am thinking highly of myself today :)} you want the best for your kids and want to teach them right from wrong and some of life little lessons, but you also have to let them live their own life and make choices for themselves. all along, you just hope it's the right ones, {which i know it won't always be}. but i guess that is where you stand back and let them know that no matter what they do, you will always love and support them. being the ripe old age of 36, i by no means have all of the answers or have this whole parenting thing figured out. we just try to do our very best everyday to set a good example for our girls. i know it's probably a little inappropriate to {post such things or brag} about one's own kids, but oh well, they deserve to be acknowledged for all of their hard work. thanks for allowing me to do so!
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sharon said...

WOW !!!!!!!! :) :)
I know you and Mark are so proud of your girls, thank God they took after you both-and what is so cool is that they are so level headed and kind and sweet people.

Sweet Blessings said...

Thanks for do have AMAZING girls...which mean you and Mark are AMAZING heart is so smiling for you...soak in every minute of earned this joy! Sweet blessings!