Wednesday, August 12, 2009


i give you the first cantaloupe out of our garden. this was the one that was hanging off of the snap pea arbor thingy {i know, so detail oriented i am}. it finally fell to the ground monday and i proceeded to cut it up and eat it up. i am still in awe of the fact that me, myself and i grew all these amazing veggies and fruits. it's a pretty cool feeling to be a city girl who turns into a kinda country girl who can grow her own food. actually looking forward to next year garden, what to plant......
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1 comment:

Robin hill farm said...

Hi. I'm up sick tonight, and thought I would browse some blogs of other "Hermistonians." I love your blog! You take beautiful photographs and have a lovely family. :) We also grow cantaloupes in our garden, and I have to say, that is my absolute favorite thing that we grow. We are still eating cantaloupes from the garden, but I know soon that we will not get anymore. Oh, what a sad day that will be! Hope you've enjoyed your sweet, juicy Hermiston cantaloupes! :)