Thursday, December 10, 2009

anyone know?

oh summer, where have you gone?

i miss you terribly.

i know we have to have fall and winter before we can see your sunny face again.

but i must confess, i don't really like those two seasons, they are harsh and cold.

not to mention they have grounded me to my house.

i long to bask in your heat.

mow my lawn.

tend my garden.

play outside with my girls.

sit on the back porch and read.

wander around with my beloved camera around my neck like a tourist, taking pictures of everything.

let's face it- be OUTSIDE in general.

i loathe being in this house everyday, all day.

although i am thankful i have a warm house, i would rather be spending it with you.

so, here's my christmas wish-

come back early, spring won't care!
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Sweet Blessings said...

I Love this POST! Great way to think beyond the COLD!!! Sweet blessings!

Farmchick said...

I'm with you on that!! Though...I think it is MUCH colder here than it is there! :) Stop over for a visit soon!!