Wednesday, September 9, 2009

josie's first day of school

today was the big day for josie jade. she started 4 year old preschool at the same school she went to last year, {as well as the school her two older sisters attended}only in the other classroom. it is a little longer of a class than last year, but it seems to fly right on by {for me} but probably not for her. she was super excited about going, but a little timid just the same {that's my joey for ya}. she says she is ready to go back on friday, but we'll see about that as the day approaches!
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1 comment:

Sweet Blessings said...

Yeahhhh for first day of school pictures! You are such a GREAT Mama...for capturing moments such as that! I so miss her in my class...can she just come back to us?!?! Sweet blessings!