Tuesday, September 22, 2009

bear with me once again

so i know this is totally not appropriate to post, but i must- so if you are offended look away now!

so i open up the mailbox today to find this gem sitting in the dark waiting to come out into the sunshine and be read.

my heart filled with instant pride and my eyes {to be honest} got a little wet.

there is nothing better in this world than to know that you have done a pretty good job as a parent, especially when you receive this sort of thing in the mail.

you spend all your time and energy as a parent trying to mold, shape, lead {sometimes follow} and allow your child to become the best person they can be. and it makes you feel pretty darn good when out of the blue you get a note from her teacher saying the things you think in your head {& heart} but don't want to seem arrogant about by saying out loud.

but the more i think about it, it's okay to tell the world and your kid that you are proud {and sometimes not so proud} of them.

so thank you once again for allowing me to brag about a kid of mine!
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Lindsay said...

AWESOME!! I hope I get a note or two like that in my lifetime :)

Way to go Jordan - YOU ROCK!!

Jodi said...

Not appropriate? Blah!
It's your blog, and you'll brag if you want to, brag if you want to, brag if you want to. I would brag too if it happened to me!

Sweet Blessings said...

Yeahhh for mail from the school! You deserve to brag...and how cool that a teacher took time to let you know how special your girl is....so smiling for you and Jordan! Sweet blessings!