Tuesday, February 10, 2009

maybe i could really be a doctor?

yeah, i don't think so. last night i decided to use my trusty flashlight to peek at jess' throat only to find some really red tonsils and some white spots. i decide to google strep throat and find that jess has every symptom listed for said illness. drug her for the night (worth mentioning, we made it all night without dying) and go to the doctor this morning to find that my diagnosis is correct. $95.00 and some antibiotics later we are on the mend. thank goodness. i don't know if i can take anymore dying screams :)! just want to say thank you to mary and beth for making sure we got into the doctor and were able to have our belated birthday brunch at my wonderful friend shelia's house. these friends of mine are awesome and i really appreciate all they do for me and my family. our lives would be empty without them. you guys rock!


Sheila said...

hurray, you did it! loved having you over for lunch, despite the sickies... love ya tons!

Sweet Blessings said...

Hey, when you open up your practice, maybe we could be doctors together :D I'm so glad you got her in...and that you got to celebrate & spend time with your friends! You deserve that so much! And...I LOVE your banner on your blog.....you do amazing work! Have a great evening....Sweet blessings!