Thursday, February 26, 2009

and the award for best dramatic performance goes to....

miss josie jade! we had a little bit of a drama last night around the dinner table. our girls are not the best veggie eaters but we make them eat at least one piece each night at dinner. last night the choice of vegetable was: carrots, sweet yellow carrots, cauliflower or broccoli. the pan went around the table and the older girls chose broccoli. josie usually always chooses a carrot, but felt the need to try the same as her sisters. she took it and there it sat until the very end. at this point it is cold and limp {i had been casually suggesting to her to eat it sooner, but she said she would get to it} well wouldn't you know it, the time had come for her to eat the broccoli and all of a sudden her tummy was full, no wait.. her head hurts, or maybe she just wasn't sure exactly what was wrong! next thing you know here come the tears... i swear you would think we were asking her to eat a worm or something. i try telling them that when i was little my mean mother would make me eat can spinach, talk about gross!!!! we couldn't get up from the table until our plate was clean. {on a side note, my brother once sat at the dinner table until almost 12am because he wouldn't eat his eggs!!!} tell me those weren't gross by the time he got done :( anyway, on with the story. she finally decides to eat the broccoli and much to her surprise survived the ordeal! silly little girl! i'm betting the next time she will choose a carrot!


Sweet Blessings said...

Life is definitley GOOD at your house....I would of LOVED sitting at that dinner table....I don't know why but parent vegetable stories always make me laugh out loud...and those could you NOT be laughing out loud...oh, wait, parents aren't aloud to do that when enforcing a rule!!! Thanks for the laughter today....Happy Friday ! And...happy dinner time tonight! Sweet blessings!

Crystal said...

That was really cute. Poor Joey! I would have saved you if I was still there.... Anyways, I love your posts Shara. They are always so cute. You are a good writer!

Lindsay said...

The pictures tell the story :) LOVE that!