Wednesday, August 25, 2010


for those that either know or don't know, i love quotes.

there, i've admitted it.

there is just something about a collection of words put together on paper or in one's heart that make an impact on someone.

these latest "batch" of quotes i've borrowed from an artist named rodney white {i highly suggest you google him}

so you know me.

i set out to create my own art and attached his amazing words to some of my photography.

i love them.

wish i had the wall space to put them in my home, but if you've ever been in our home, there isn't much space left.

you see i've already filled them with other things that bring joy, happiness and love to all of us.

so, i'll just have to print them and make them into cards.

hope you enjoy these as much as i do.

happy sunny wednesday from me to you.
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1 comment:

Sweet Blessings said...

I LOVE your quotes..and I'd LOVE to buy some of your cards when they are ready...just let me know! Happy Sunday! Sweet blessings!