Tuesday, May 11, 2010

justin and jacob

justin above her bed
jacob at the foot of her bed
trying it out...
ahh.. heaven!

first of all- i'm sorry i've been such a bad blogger lately. do i even still have any followers?

hello, is this thing on? anyone out there?

okay, back to the business at hand-

i would like you to meet josie's men.....justin and jacob!

so, is it bad that my almost 5 year old buys herself a justin bieber poster at the store and asks me to hang it on the ceiling?

let's not even mention the flag flying on the wall that says "women who behave, rarely make history"!

ha ha ha ha

we are such bad parents!

nah, we just have kids who know what they like,

and it happens to be two really cute boys.

can't say i blame her on the one. {justin}

i've been known to listen to his cd's in the car.. even when i am alone.

i'm a big girl i can admit it :)!

don't look too close to joey's room as it is about to go thru an overhaul in the next week or so...

i'll keep ya posted.

just imagine poka dots, hearts and butterflies-

and jacob and justin, of course!
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Andy Porter said...

Hey Shara!
I hope you don't mind me popping in on your blog to answer your question. I actually use the sandpaper to cut the edges, not just to antique. I don't use any scissors or anything. You just wait until the Mod Podge is totally dry and then bend down the paper along the edges. If you sand right on the edge, it kind of pushes the edge right into the board. After the edge has separated completely, I just pull off the excess that is probably still hanging on because of the glue. It works like a charm! Hope that made sense. I'm kind of out of it tonight!LOL. I'll answer your question thru a comment on my blog too, just incase anyone else has the same question. Thanks for stopping by!

My M. Perfect World said...

I'm a new follower & we def. have the Justin B. thing in common. I constantly have one of his songs in my head. Your daughter sure seems like a little girl with a mind of her own. That's great that ya'll let her explore her own interests. :)

Lindsay said...

This simply cracks me up :)

#1Nana said...

Your profile shows you're in Hermiston. Are you interested in joining a writer's group? Our little group just finished up a "class" at BMCC and we decided to continue to meet to discuss out writing. If you'd like to join us visit our class blog at
and leave a comment.