Monday, April 5, 2010


first of all i know what you are thinking...

two post in one day? how can this be?

first she goes forever with none, then a couple here and there and now, two in one day?

well, aren't you so lucky?

actually, i have 2.2 seconds to myself so i thought i would actually sit down and upload some pictures.

{as i sit here jordan is yelling at me from the downstairs to come and help her color her project, ignore her- she will stop, eventually}

okay, back to the subject of this post-

this was the sunrise on friday and the sunset that very same evening.

what a gift.

a new day begins.

a day ends.

start. finish.

new. old.

pink. orange.

awesome. great.

so thankful for the vision to see, feel and appreciate the start AND end to each and everyday.

may you find the joy in the beginning. middle. and end of each day.
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Sweet Blessings said...

Great pictures...and words that are so inspiring! Sweet blessings!

iammommahearmeroar said...

Hey Shara,

I round the edges of my photos using I have elements as well, but frankly I LOVE picnik and all the easy-to-use features it offers. It's free. Get online and play. I'll be doing an in-depth tutorial on it in a couple of weeks. Good luck!

Lindsay said...

gorgeous!! :) I love sunsets ... and sunrises ... opportunities to give God a round of applause! :)