Wednesday, February 3, 2010

random awesomeness

last thursday {my really cool neighbor} kim came over and simply said-

come quick and grab your camera.

i'm not one to argue when someone tells me to grab my camera, so did just that and slid on my flip flops {which sit by the front door, just in case warm weather approaches or i need a quick pair of shoes} and headed out the door, across the street to see what kim had in store for me..

when we get to the back yard i am looking for something huge, dead, alive, blooming or something obvious.

he simply points to his {really awesome homemade birdbath} and shows me the most beautiful pattern in the frozen water.

i had no idea that when water froze it made such an amazing design.

so, i give you my attempt at capturing the ice. it was a wee bit cold and to be honest i had my macro lens on.

i was trying to hold really still as to not blur the shot, but it was really cold and i was freezing.

being a thinner girl does have it's disadvantages.. you get cold and stay cold way too easy.

there's a reason bears store up and get fat... it keeps you warmer!

but i will admit, i would rather be cold and thinner than warm and thicker. :)

so thankful for wonderful neighbors who feed my addiction!
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Sweet Blessings said...

So amazing..thanks for freezing so you could show it to us! Sweet blessings!

Mamasooz said...

Stumbled upon your blog accidently, but those designs in the ice are really cool!