Wednesday, July 22, 2009


sometimes in life a product come along and changes your life... well this my friends is it! i LOVE the sprayway brand glass cleaner, it works awesome. never a streak, smudge or left over finger {or tongue}print. so when i came across this at costco the other day i all but did a cartwheel {i know, stop trying to imagine me doing one....cause it's never gonna happen}! i told mark if the glass cleaner works like it does, this stuff should be awesome. much to my delight it does!!!! because if you know me, i know a thing or two about cleanliness {or so i think}! you apply it with one rag and sort buff with another and waaalawww- clean stainless steel that doesn't smudge too bad. so there you have it, if you have stainless steel go out and get yourself a can, you'll be glad you did!
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Jodi said...

Once upon a time when I worked at a movie theater we used something like this. Now that I have stainless appliances I've been wondering where I could get some. Thank you! I've been using windex then rubbing baby oil on them. It works OK, but not the best.
your friend in cleaning and anal retentiveness

Sweet Blessings said...

Hey, just what you needed with all those new kitchen appliances... :D Clean on, girl, clean on!!! Sweet blessings!

Sweet Blessings said...

Hey, just what you needed with all those new kitchen appliances... :D Clean on, girl, clean on!!! Sweet blessings!