Friday, May 1, 2009

nothing better than.....

a back massage, a banana and your "boyfriend"! maybe this is too dirty of a post? na, i'm just kidding. on tuesday mornings casey comes over before preschool and hangs out till it's time to head to school. well, i had bought mark a back massager and the kids were sitting on it watching television while josie was eating her banana. they look cute sitting there together, hanging out enjoying each other's company. let's just hope they don't replay this scenario when they get a little older! {that my friend will be the subject of a whole nother post!} hahaha
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Lindsay said...

this totally cracks me up ... definitely one that they'll appreciate in years to come ...

Sweet Blessings said...

They look like such sweet little angels in that picture :D I'm glad you captured the moment!!! Sweet blessings!