Friday, May 1, 2009

it's me {who else were you expecting?}

so today was one of those days that i looked in the mirror and thought "i look pretty good today" so i thought i would have jess take a couple of pictures of me. why is it that when i look at myself in the mirror i don't think i look that bad and then i have my picture taken and i think "who in the world is this person in the picture?" have i mentioned that as awesome as it is that i have now lost 50 pounds, i think i look worse than ever? every single wrinkle, line, freckle and all that loose skin is always the first thing i notice. when you are fat, heavy, hefty, thick, plump, round, obese, not thin and everything else in between your skin is nice and shall we say "full", now that i don't have all that extra in my face i have something else.... a really old looking face. maybe it's just 36 looking back at me. who knows, but please know that i AM thankful and very proud of myself for losing weight and kinda looking better but sometimes i also tend to beat myself up a little more. i think that maybe, just maybe i'm searching for something i'm not going to find in my face anymore~ youth. let's face it, i'm not a 20 year old anymore, which is probably a good thing!
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Lindsay said...

You're beautiful - inside & out ... and even though I don't know you in person ... I can just tell!

Hope your weekend is full of GREAT times with your family!!

Sweet Blessings said...

I LOVE those pictures of YOU...and you so deserve a post about yourself! And, you truly have lost so much are such a skinny-minny, and you deserve to feel GREAT about you..because you are such a beautiful, fun-loving, sweet, genuine, caring, gorgeous girl!!! As for the wrinkles...I NEVER see any....maybe it's because I'm always focused on my own...ha,ha....I can truly say (since I saw your picture) that I think you look better today than 20 years CELEBRATE YOU!!! Sweet blessings!

Jodi said...

What are you talking about? You look great! And I've never noticed any wrinkles or extra skin. Keep doin' what you're doin' and don't worry about that crap!