Wednesday, February 3, 2010

i've got my eye on U!

the other night i was messing around with my camera and was hellbent on blinding my children forever...

i mean it's winter around here folks and there isn't much to do except torment your kids.

seriously, why else do you have them? you know, kids?

anyway, where was i at.....?

oh yeah, i was messing around and told the girls to hold really still and open your eye really wide.

josie "looks" normal and i just so happened to get a surprise out of it, my reflection in her pupil.

jess on the other hand looks "surprised"... it's obviously really hard to hold your eye open when you have eyelashes that long!

so there you go, two eyes from two girls.

you can sleep well tonight knowing and seeing these sorts of things.. ha!
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1 comment:

Sweet Blessings said...

Can't wait to see what their eyes grow up to capture :D Sweet blessings!