Tuesday, February 2, 2010

chuck, living the life- one nap at a time!

chuck the jerk
ahhh.... nothing like taking up the entire couch while napping the day away
one must use both pillows and the center of the leather couch when catching some z's

nothing like sleeping with your eyes open and rolled back into your head while resting up to go outside and destroy something.

okay everyone, i know you have just been dying to know what chuck has been up to lately...

well here you go. sorry about the rated R shot of him in the second picture. i don't really know how to blur it out {and to be honest, i'm too lazy to read how to}.

this is how chuck spends most of his days. hogging the entire couch and napping.

if he isn't napping, he can be found outside, pooping under the deck, barking at the new neighbors dog {who i think must not hear their own dog barking} or his new hobby- digging in my empty {they have dirt in them} flower pots.

he will so be a nugget less chuckie if he continues this new hobby!

so there you go. don't hate him cause he's 1. cute 2. lazy 3. fat 4. napping 5. cool

just appreciate the fact that he is just keeping it real!

happy tuesday to you and yours~
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Sweet Blessings said...

Thanks for the smile...Chuck is living my dream life :D Sweet blessings!

KathyV said...

Chuck is way too cool! Sounds like he lives alot like my Butch. The funny thing about Butch is that when he's in the house he's like a little helpless baby but the minute we put him out, you'd think he was a pitbull...lol...he is the king of the backyard! Thanks for the visit to my blog...it's a work in progress...I am enjoying it very much! Come back anytime....