Tuesday, November 2, 2010

day 2- jordan

for on this second day of november and in listing my 30 days of gratitude, i am thankful for jordan.

she is by far one of the most amazing young ladies i know.

i know all mom's think this way about their children, but there isn't enough space in this post for me to list all of the amazing things she is.

one could not ask for a more delightful child.

she has always been good. even as a baby. never cried, never complained. you could literally take her ANYWHERE and she was happy.

she is the same way now.

it's hard to believe in that in a short amount of time she will be 14. it seems like just a few years ago she was so little, and now she is growing up so quickly {right before my eyes}. before we know it, she'll be gone living her own life. i'm not sure i'm going to like that to be honest!

so on my second day i am ever so thankful to call jordan my eldest wonderful daughter!
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Lindsay said...

almost 14 ... how can that be??

Beautiful ... and a blessed to have you as a mom!!

Sweet Blessings said...

I remember her at 3, and now she's growing into such a beautiful lady....I know she's going to always make good decisions! Sweet blessings!