Wednesday, July 28, 2010

learning to ride

this past week i was a mean, mean mom.

i made/forced/threatened/begged josie to learn to ride her two wheeled bike.

talk about stubborn.

she wasn't having it.

the entire time as i am holding onto her seat {dying from the heat} running up and down our street, she is crying.

and when i say crying, i'm talking, crying like you just broke your arm, toe, foot, your head!

you would have thought we were torturing her.

but the best part of it all is... she CAN DO IT!

she just doesn't want to.

she can make it down the entire street, all alone- then she realizes you aren't holding on, she looks down and about wrecks!

i ask her if she wants to ride her bike and she tells me no. i say how about tomorrow and she says "i'm never riding again".

she is a turd. she gets it from her dad! :)

so enjoy these photos as she is being made to ride, thru the tears and screaming.

one day she'll figure it out.. or i'm gonna die of heat stroke trying!
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Misty said...

Oh' my gosh, those pictures are priceless. Talk about a look of terror, and funny she looks totally balanced. ;)
Love it. Torture on, Mom.

Sweet Blessings said...

You make me, so happy Josie got it all figured out...even though she had to travel through the tears! So HAPPY to read ALL your posts....I missed your posting! Hope you have a GREAT week! Sweet blessings!