Sunday, June 21, 2009

missed me? nah not really!

somehow i doubt the answer is yes, but just in case you've been wondering where i've been, i'll tell ya! our home computer's disk drive went out so we took it in to best buy to have it fixed, come to find out it has more than that for problems, so off to HP for at least 2 weeks. i almost hit the floor... no computer for how long??? it wouldn't have been a big deal, but jordan's laptop had issues too. her hard drive went out, so no luck there. well, we have a friend that fixed jordan's for us and put in a new hard drive and so now be are back to surfing the net. thank goodness... i was starting to go through withdrawals. it's amazing how you can become a slave to something. so i must start off by saying- hi, my name is shara and i have a computer addiction :)! on another high note, i must also tell you that i finally got a new camera. i liked my old sony, but it was very frustrating and didn't always take the best pictures. sears as kind enough to take it back {even though it had been longer than 90 days} and give me a full refund. so off to best buy to buy the camera of my dreams. a nikon d90. all i can say is OMG!!! i LOVE it with all my heart. it takes the most amazing pictures and is so easy to use and understand. i can't wait to post some new pictures taken with it. well, i guess that's what we've been up to around our house and in our life's. i know you are so glad i've finally posted, i'm sure you thought i was gone forever. i know you know that i am so joking!!!!


Sweet Blessings said...

I did MISS you :D Glad you are back! Sweet blessings!

Lindsay said...

whoo hoo for a new camera!! you're going to LOVE it :)