Wednesday, July 22, 2009

cook out anyone?

i just wanted to share our newest addition... is she a beauty or what? it's mark's belated father's day gift from all his ladies.... we've been wanting a new grill for sometime and came across this one which runs on natural gas and since mark ran an extra natural gas line to this side of the deck {when he installed the fire pit} it was a perfect choice. it cooks awesome and it's nice to know that we won't run out of propane during the middle of cooking a steak or a big family bbq. so if your in the neighborhood, head on over with some cow, pig or chicken {josie always wants to know what animal she is eating} and grill king mark will glady help you out!
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Jodi said...

Sounds great! Dinner at your house, then swimming next door. Let me know when you get that party planned!

Sweet Blessings said...

I'm thinking you are ALL set to host a big backyard barbecue now...with fresh veggies from your garden, and ending with fresh fruit dessert in front of your fire pit!!! So smiling for you! Sweet blessings!

Crystal said...

Dang Shara- You guys are really making that place the bomb! Nice grill for Mark. I am sure that he is loving it!